
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Nans tangi

Last week I went to Te Awamutu for my Nan’s tangi. I went with Mum, Serenade and Dylan. I was worried because my Nan had passed from coronavirus. We drove to Nan's house and I slept by her near the coffin for one night. After that I went to the marae for three or four nights. I met my cousin Avaya.


  1. I'm really sorry for what your nana had to go through Tanerau. I hope you're okay? How did your nana catch corona virus?

  2. I've been wondering how your Nan is. I'm sorry to read this. Sending you and your family lots of love Tanerau. It's hard when we need to say goodbye to ones we love. It's okay to be sad. And it's okay when you aren't any more too.
